
We, at MCB, predominantly believe in the science and system of Vastu that enables us to make the perfect plans and designs. We are empowered with the knowledge of the right use of space, light and energy so that we can build homes that radiate positivity

Congenial living

Vigorous lighting

Dynamic ventilation

Balance of energy

Symmetry in Design

Alignment with nature

Congenial living

Vigorous lighting

Dynamic ventilation

Balance of energy

Symmetry in Design

Alignment with nature

Vastu - A way of life at Mysuru Community Biosphere


The word ‘saha’-‘jeevana’ is an idea where one is in harmony with everyone and everything around oneself. The Vastu Shastra fosters this idea by imbibing the idea of ‘Wholeness’ in the space we live in. The ‘Energy Mandala’ and Alignments enhance the Positive energies in and around us. We all are part of this world, Living & non-living (Chetan – a-chetan ), of Flora and Fauna and that of the Five elements (Pancha-Mahabhuta). This is an embedded aspect of the layout and house design at Mysuru Community Biosphere enhanced by an overlay of sacred geometry using Vastu Principles. Vastu Design at Mysuru Community Biosphere uses ‘PANCHA-SUTRA’ to enhance the Positive energies from Settlement to House design.


  • BHOO-MITI : Sacred geometry
  • NIRMAAN SANSADHANAM : Construction practices and materials
  • KAAYA-MADHYA SUTRA : Alignments and energy balancing
  • PANCHA-MAHABHOOTA SANSTHANAM : Activity and elemental balance
  • RAMYAM AND SUKHADARSHANAM : Aesthetic and delight

Bhoo-Miti - Sacred Geometry

  • Every building is re-aligned to its independent ‘Mandala’ by installing sacred pointers
  • The Brahmasthana - The centre point is kept free and open to sky so that every building can experience pulsating energy at ‘ Brahmasthala’
  • Brahma Sutra, Somasutra - The energy lines are defined and made free of obstruction to the energy flow
  • ‘Marma Sthala’ in every house is kept free as prescribed in Vastu

The application & implication of Vastu

Vastu is an ancient science that has stood the test of time and proven to be of immense significance for construction, planning and architecture. The closer we look, the more we realize that vastu is about celebrating space and getting inspired by it. Every fragment of the earth carries its own energy and culture, along with the flora, fauna, people, climate and weather conditions.

Vastu is the amalgamation of these aspects to converge it into an ideal living space, for the health, happiness and harmony of the family that lives in it

The MCB Promise

The right use of Vastu science

Most ideal designs

Comprehensive planning

Guidance by Experts

Our Vastu Consultants

Ar. Sashikala Ananth
Our guiding light, Architect, Vastu expert
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Ar. Anand Ukidve
Architect, Urban Designer
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